Health-E Club Perks
By actively using your accounts at MHCU, you can qualify for discounts on loan, premiums on certificates and Club accounts, free Online Bill Pay, and many other Health-E Club perks.
Use any three or more of the following credit union services
- Savings Account
- Checking Account with Online Banking Access
- Debit card
- Credit card
- Loan with automatic payment transfer
- Direct deposit of your payroll.
And enjoy the benefits of membership
- Free Online Bill Pay if you pay at least 5 bills per month
- Free Online Loan Application
- Rewards VISA (on approved credit)
- Skip-a-Pay Loan Payment Options
- Discounts on loan rates Premiums on certificate rates
- Premium rate on Christmas Club accounts
- Twice per year signature loan rate specials
- Overdraft protection loans (on approved credit)
- Free “Cashier’s Checks”
- Free photocopies (25) and faxes