Get a Credit Report
Credit Report Information
Are you concerned about identity theft? Maybe you just want to see what your creditors are seeing on your credit report. The following are the addresses and phone numbers for the three main credit reporting agencies, as well as a the address to receive a free credit report. The easiest way to get a free report is by using the “Credit Sense” feature on our online banking program however.
PO Box 740256 Atlanta GA 30374
1-800-525-6285 |
PO Box 1017 Allen TX 75013-0949
1-888-397-3742 |
PO Box 6790 Fullerton CA 92834
1-800-680-7289 |
Free Credit Report
Annual Credit Report Service PO Box 105281 Atlanta GA 30348-5281
1-877-322-8228 |
If you find an error or think you might be the victim of identity theft, be sure and report it right away. You can go to the website to report the dispute or you can call for the paperwork to be sent to you. And don’t forget, if you ever need any help, the Credit Union staff is here to help you!